The default Wi-Fi password often programmed by Internet Service Providers using Smart RG 505n VDSL modems is the MAC address listed on the back of the unit. All letters have to be converted to lower case.
Example: The default WI-FI password for the MAC address shown above is 3c9066022047. Keep in mind there is no letter ‘O’ in MAC addresses so make sure that you key in the digit zero rather than the letter ‘o’.
The WIFI Key shown above is not the default WI-FI password.
If you need to change the modem’s setting you will need to access its interface. A password will be required and it is not the same as the Wi-Fi password. If the inrface password is lost the modem will have to be reset. The default username and password to log onto the modem’s interface after a hard reset is admin , admin. A hard reset is performed by pressing the reset button and holding it for 7 seconds while the unit is powered up. Holding longer or shorter performs a different type of reset. RESETTING OF THE UNIT WILL WIPE OUT ALL SETTINGS PROGRAMMED BY YOUR ISP SO YOU SHOULD AVOID IT UNLESS YOU ARE ABLE TO PROGRAM THESE SETTINGS MANUALLY. The modem’s interface can be accessed by connecting a single compter to one of the yellow ports with a network cable and opening your browser on the computer. The URL to go to is
If you cannot access the interface ensure that your computer’s network connection is set up to obtain IP address automatically. Then restart your computer while the modem is powered up and the computer is connected to the modem.