Morgan’s Story

Once Jane found out about mine and Ethel’s weekly lunches, she seemed to get a little jealous. She decided that we needed to get together and have dinner again sometime soon. Not a problem. Ethel and I make the plans.

We made sure to pick a restaurant that wasn’t too expensive, but that was still nice. I made the reservations on-line and we thought we were all good, that is until Jane lost her new job.

She got depressed again and cancelled the plans the Monday of the same week. I cancelled the reservations after Ethel and I made sure we didn’t want to go without Jane. It was her favorite restaurant after all. Then on the Tuesday, Jane decided that she might want to go…well I explained that the reservation was cancelled and that I wasn’t about to make another one based on a maybe. We decided to just head to a restaurant after work, that wasn’t good enough on Wednesday, but then on Thursday, after Ethel and I made our own plans to go out and have dinner after work at a nice little café close by, Jane decides again that she wants to go out for dinner on the Friday with us. We tell her our plan but it’s not good enough for her, so Ethel suggests we order in a pizza and have dinner at Jane’s place since Jane has wanted to show Ethel her place for a while now. Jane still claims that Ethel didn’t send that email, little does she know Ethel copied me on it and made sure that Jane couldn’t see it came to me as well. So at this point Ethel and I have had enough of Jane’s little tantrums and decided not to cancel our plans and go anyways.

Jane got very angry with Ethel, I’m still not sure why she was ok with me, but she asked me if I wanted to grab a drink after dinner. I said yes, not thinking that my phone would be busy all night.

During my dinner with Ethel, Jane sent me 2 messages. The first one was as we were sitting down. This was about 20 minutes after work asking me if we were almost done. The second was about 25 minutes later with the same question. And then a phone call came on the way to the car. She asked if we were finished yet and that if we’re going to have desert just to let her know now so she can make other plans. I had already told her that I was going to be at her place at 8. This call came in at 7pm. Ethel offered to drive me to her house, but since I know Jane and I can tell she’s already drunk, I figured it wasn’t a really good ideal.

So when I got home I called a cab and headed out to her place. I was right. She’s drunk.

Either way we decided to go to a pub near by to have a drink. A few drinks later we went back to her place and hopped on the computer so she can make plans with a guy she’d been chatting with on the dating site.

Rick suggested they get together right away, that night. She explains that she’s with a girlfriend and can’t just ditch me. So his plan throws in a friend of his own. To me this is a no go, but Jane doesn’t seem to care that I’m not ok with it. She doesn’t agree with my “relationship” and makes no secret of it.

William and I had been seeing each other, un-officially for at least 2 months at this point and meeting someone new was not something I wanted or needed. I know that’s nothing, especially since it wasn’t official, but I already knew at this point that I was starting to fall for him, and surprisingly enough it was this night in particular that I knew it was way more serious than either of us bargained for. Jane actually called me on it to be honest. She flat out asked me if I was in love with him, this of course was between other questions so without thinking about it I just said yes. I think it shocked her as much as it did me, but I needed to admit it to myself.

Either way, we decided to meet them at a bar near Jane’s so we wouldn’t have to go far. Jane was starting to get antsy when they didn’t show up at exactly 11pm. At about 11:05 Rick and Jamie show up. We sit down to have a drink. Jane and Rick keep going outside for a smoke so Jamie and I don’t have a choice but to get to know each other. We figure out that we have a few things in common and we both think it’s amusing since neither of us want to be there. After an hour or so, Jane gets upset with Rick and leaves me at the bar alone with them. Thankfully, they’re nice guys! She calls me when she gets home, which is not even 5 minutes away and asks me where the hell I am. I explain to her that since she took off on me while I was in the washroom, I had yet to leave the bar.

On our way out I asked Rick what happened and he tells me that it started when he couldn’t remember my name and called me Hon. Then it really hit home when she kissed him out side the bar and he told her to stop.

I asked Jane the same thing when I got to her place and got: “well, he kissed me and when I told him to stop he got upset.”

Who am I suppose to believe: A guy that I just met and don’t know anything about or a friend that has done nothing but lie to me about the stupidest things?

I have no clue!!



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