Mining Bitcoins

People who don’t have any Bitcoins and would like to acquire some to learn the system could simply buy some. There are sites out there where Bitcoins can be purchased using a credit card but… The “but” is that learning the system can be fun if you do it from scratch. Kind like playing a game. Doing so eliminates the risk of loosing “real” money. The first place where one can collect some coins are “faucet websites”. It takes time to collect some money that way which brings us to another source of passive income – Bitcoin mining. Bitcoin mining is part of the system. It play two roles. First it acts as the Bitcoin printing press generating new coin supply. The second role is to aid money transfers for a very small fee. The system design makes it progressively more difficult to “print” new Bitcoins as time goes by. It was possible to mine Bitcoins on a PC in the early days. Then a very powerful graphics cards were used and later the mining migrated to mining pools where individuals pulled their computing power together in order to make the necessary calculations to find the new Bitcoins. Without getting into the technical details a new Bitcoin is found after finding a solution to a mathematical problem which requires a lot of computing power. The system is safe because no single individual has enough computing power to break the system. The oversight of the system is distributed evenly across all “Miners”. Presently Bitcoin mining has moved to the cloud where computer farms having hundreds of computers are used for to calculate the new coins and aid with transaction processing. Anyone can purchase “shares” by buying the computing power. Computer power in these “Mines” is sold in units called Gigahashes per second. Some mines will allow you to mine small amounts for free as a promotion. You can later purchase additional computing power either by reinvesting the profits or depositing some Bitcoins collected from faucets. Here are some Bitcoin mines where you can get some free promotional computing power or purchase some at a very reasonable fee. Beware of sites which advertise huge hourly or daily returns as they too good to be true. 

Mine   Description
Genesis Mining Promo Code:


Use this code to obtain discount on your hashing power
Ore Mine  No longer exists
Heroes of Bitcoins  No longer exists

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