Trump, Putin and other assorted Dictators

No one can turn on the news today without some mention of Donald Trump. Either he is tweeting to the world about some new complaint or else he is at a rally telling his supporters how great he is making America. As a lowly Beagle observer not involved in politics I actually believe Trump thought that being President meant he was more or less a dictator and could do what he wanted. He appears to know the least of any President of the US regarding the political system of checks and balances. But even if someone informed him of what this meant he probably would just ignore it and try to do what he is doing, scream loudly and blame everything on fake news and the Clintons. He will also ignore what he isn’t doing and make enough noise about how he is making America great again. His base will believe him. Wait till they start losing their health care if they have a pre-existing condition or if they are disabled and on Medicaid. This would be funny if it were not so sad. And Trump has stated that he thinks Putin is great and so is Rodrigo Duerte, President of the Philippines, who has by his own words murdered some of his own people if they were drug dealers. No trial is necessary as these guys have the power to do this as their supporters expect it. Talk about abuse of human rights.

Now Trump is backing out of the Cuba deal and making sure that Marco Rubio and the anti-Castro faction in Florida is happy. Why, well because he said that Cuba does not respect human rights. So does that mean Putin does, and the Turkish President who has jailed thousands of innocent people who oppose his restrictive policies. I guess we have to assume that this is somehow not an abuse of human rights. And Iran is the really bad guy while Saudi Arabia, where women cannot leave their homes without male approval and raised most of the 9/11 terrorists, are the true good guys. And where do you think ISIL got most of their religious policies. Oh, I forgot that the Saudis buy weapons from all the big US companies so we can ignore their terrible abuse of human rights. Putin seems to be a favorite of Trump. He probably liked the fact that Putin has been in power since 1999 hopping between being Prime Minister and President. Anyone who opposes him has had a difficult time in Russia either in prison or as a murder victim. These men are truly great leaders in a dystopian world.

The Cuban people were very happy to have open relations with the USA again. But Trump has to make those people who supported him happy even if their policies are extremely reactionary regardless of whether most Americans want to have relations with Cuba. This will make it more difficult for Cuban moderates to bring about change in their country. Way to go Trump! We need more backward-looking policies to make America great again, right back to the 1950’s.

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