Loblaws Bag Police

I used to enjoy shopping at Vanier Loblaws but since Friday, October 2, 2015, I might have to reconsider.   It appears that Loblaws wants its cashiers to become bag police because I had a rather unpleasant encounter with a Loblaw’s cashier on Friday evening over whether my cloth bags were full enough or not.... Continue reading Loblaws Bag Police

Trust Fading in microwallet.org

It’s official! microwallet.org stopped paying on time. Perhaps not paying at all. A message on the site states: Processing the withdrawal rarely takes more than 48 hours. Don’t send email about it unless you did not receive it within 7 days. Thanks. There is a problem, however. It has been three weeks as of the time... Continue reading Trust Fading in microwallet.org

Minecraft – Survival Island

Episode 1: Skeleton Spawner and Tree Farm        Episode 2: Skeleton Exp Farm         Episode 3: Wheat Farm         Episode 4: Mining!         Episode 5: Automatic Wheat Farm Upgrade       

Mining Bitcoins

People who don’t have any Bitcoins and would like to acquire some to learn the system could simply buy some. There are sites out there where Bitcoins can be purchased using a credit card but… The “but” is that learning the system can be fun if you do it from scratch. Kind like playing a... Continue reading Mining Bitcoins